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Room Parents

A room parent is like a teacher’s magical sidekick, helping out wherever he or she needs. As a room parent, you will act as a liaison between the teacher and parents to help facilitate communication and ensure the school year is as organized and as much fun as possible. Thank you for volunteering your valuable time and congratulations on becoming a room parent! We know you will look back on this year with fond memories.

What is a room parent?


What does a room parent do?

A room parent performs a lot of very useful functions in the classroom:

  • Helps the teacher communicate with parents

  • Assist teacher in making volunteer schedule

  • Help teacher with classroom events and/or celebrations

  • Assist with monthly art projects or help recruit an Art Docent

  • PTO Liaison  (attend meetings every 3rd Thurs)

  • Assist teacher with preparation for school events (i.e. Art Walk, Halloween) 

  • Classroom gifts for teacher (i.e. Christmas, Birthday, Teacher Appreciation Week, End of Year)


Don’t feel like you have to do EVERYTHING! We know you don’t have superpowers. Part of your job is to delegate tasks to other parents. Trust us, most parents WANT to help, they just don’t know where they’re needed.

Please contact the Room Parent Coordinator with any questions @
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