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Knob Hill PTO Board Nomination Form 
2020-2021 School Year

The Knob Hill PTO is collecting nomination forms for those in our Knob Hill community interested in serving on the PTO Executive Board for the 2020-21 school year. If you are interested in serving on the board, please fill out the information below by Friday, May 15th . The vote to elect the new board will take place at the General PTO Meeting on Thursday, May 21th at 7:00 pm . (Zoom meeting link here Meeting ID: 942 6320 2075 Password: KHPTO)

We hope to see you at the meeting!

Click HERE for PTO Bylaws

*Requirements for Nomination-Any person interested in serving on the PTO Executive Board must:

1. Be the parent or legal guardian of a Knob Hill student.

2. Have attended at least 2 (two) PTO meetings during the school year OR assisted with a PTO or school event.

3. Be viewed in good standing within the Knob Hill community.

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